black female 意味
female: female n. 女性; 雌; (軽蔑的に)女. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an adult female 大人の女性 an adolescent female 青年期の女性 a black female 黒人女性 The bear was an older female weighing about 200 kg. そのクマは年老いたほうの
female/female: {形} : 女性{じょせい}アンド女性{じょせい}の◆【略】f/f
as black as a: (as) bláck as a swéep まっ黒な,汚らしい.
black: 1black n. (1) 黒色; 黒人; 黒服. 【動詞+】 hit the black (ビリヤードで)黒球を突く talk black into white 黒を白と言いくるめる wear black 黒衣をまとう; 喪服を着ける Nowadays people don't often wear black for mourning.
in black: {1} : 黒字{くろじ}で -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 黒い服を着て、喪服を着て He was dressed all in black. You do look wonderful in black.
in the black: 黒字で、利益があって、もうかって The financial reports for ~ ends in the black. ~が黒字決算となる。/~の決算報告が黒字になる。
(female) beauty: (female) beauty 佳人 かじん
(female) cook: (female) cook 炊婦 すいふ
(female) genitalia: (female) genitalia 陰門 いんもん
(female) nurse: (female) nurse 看護婦 かんごふ
adolescent female: adolescent female 小娘 こむすめ
adult female: 大人{おとな}の女性{じょせい}
advanced female: 進歩的女性{しんぽてき じょせい}
alpha female: {1} : 群れを支配{しはい}する雌 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 企業を率いる女性 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
amictic female: amictic female 単為生殖雌虫[医生]